
Thursday, June 6, 2013

1 Year Older and Wiser..

Happy June 6th! Exactly a year ago today I entered into the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah to start my journey as a full-time servant of the Lord. I am FULL of emotions and am flooded with memories as I think back to all of the life-changing experiences I have had in the past year. My heart fills with love and gratitude for all the people I have met because of my decision to come out and serve- they have blessed my life forever.

I remember sitting in a classroom as a new missionary listening to a very inspired teacher talk about the relationship of Missionaries and the Atonement of the Savior. I was so impressed by the strong Spirit I felt as it was confirmed to me that the many trials I would face, I wouldn't face them alone. I knew the Savior would walk right beside me as I went forward on my mission leaving behind family and loved ones for 18 months.

A quote that I remember this teacher saying is, "I hope you set goals and have expectations for what you want to accomplish on your missions. The Lord will exceed all of those goals and all of your expectations. Also, I hope you set high goals and have big expectations...Because the Lord will exceed those too."

Brothers and Sisters, I can now testify that the Lord has done exactly that, He has EXCEEDED my expectations and my dreams for missionary work. I still have 6 months until I return home, but I can truly say the things I have learned during the past year has changed my heart. I am a better person than I used to be from applying Christlike Attributes. I understand more of the WHY of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that will motivate me to press forward. I know who I am, and I know Whose I am. I know my purpose. I know what I want in my life. I have solidified my own personal conversion of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and The Atonement. I know that this work is true. It isn't easy, but it is worth it!

It is a Gospel of HAPPINESS!

 I have grown so much and so has my joy! I will be forever grateful for this sacred opportunity that the Lord has given me. Serving a full-time mission has been the best decision in my life. The good thing is, you don't have to serve a mission to know what I do! You can test out the Heavenly promise in Moroni 10:3-5. If you have the desire to know that God works miracles today and has given us more, I invite you to do the challenge: Read the Book of Mormon, find the closest LDS church building near you, contact the missionaries and ask them to teach you our message. I promise you as you let the desire work in you, when you pray in faith and ask if Joseph Smith was the Prophet of the Restoration, or if the Book of Mormon is the Word of God, or if the Priesthood Power has been restored to the Earth, you will get a Heavenly response. You will feel it in your bones. The Spirit will overwhelm you with peace and warmth.

I hope that ALL who are searching for more peace and happiness in your lives will look to the Lord and believe that God is a God of miracles. He is the same today as He was in Biblical times; He has called a Prophet to lead and guide us in the last days, and has restored unto the Earth the Priesthood Power. He has blessed us with new scripture which gives us the fullness of the Gospel. You can know for yourself that you are a Child of God, and Families are Forever. I hope and pray that you will come to find the happiness and peace that I have found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is all made possible through His infinite sacrifice. If you have any questions--

ASK THE MISSIONARIES! They can and will help.

1st day to 1 year!