
Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Greatest Work of All!

Hello! It has been a while since I have posted. But I have big news!!

Almost 11 months ago I left my family and loved ones for 18 months to serve as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints here in the Nashville, Tennessee (Spanish) mission. Honestly, it has been the most amazing experience in my life. I can't believe all of the things I have been able to see and learn that the Lord has shown me; it truly has exceeded far beyond all of my expectations and goals from the beginning. Missionary work is AMAZING! Being in full-time missionary service has forever changed my life. I have come to know the Savior's character a little bit more because of the experiences I have been allowed to go through. Some of those being the hardest ones I've ever had, and some of those being some of the most sacred and spiritual.

 So, the big news! Last week my twin sister, Megan, received a mission call! Any guesses where?

  She'll be serving in the NEW ZEALAND, HAMILTON MISSION!!!!!!

I was SO at a loss of words when I found out. She will be leaving Sept. 12, 2013.......and I will be coming home December 18, 2013. This means we won't see each other for about 3 years!

Now I don't know about you, but there is NO way I would allow something to stop me from seeing my twin sister for 3 years...Unless The Lord Himself commanded it.

 I know that the Lord has called her to serve at this exact moment to serve the people in New Zealand and to teach them the "Good News" of the message of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. The sacrifice of sending her to the other side of the world and us being separated is Worth It.


Because what happened in the Spring of the year 1820 in a grove of trees has changed the world forever. Us missionaries have the sacred opportunity to share that message with the world, to let it change lives forever.

God is our Father. He has revealed His Gospel to us multiple times throughout history through His Prophets. He sent His Perfect Son to come to Earth to show us the way and to establish the Everlasting Gospel. He gave His Authority to His Apostles to act in His name. He also made it possible for us to progress eternally through His Eternal Sacrifice, The Atonement.

After centuries of being lost, the Priesthood Authority of God has been Restored to the Earth once more, never to be taken away again. God loves us. His Prophets are back. I know this message is true.
You can know as well.

I am so grateful for the opportunity the Lord has given me and my twin sister to share this message, on both sides of the world! It is the Greatest Work of them all. It is the Lord's work! To bring to pass our ETERNAL HAPPINESS. I know that through the Power of the Priesthood that has been Restored, families can be together forever. We can find strength, purpose, direction, and peace in our lives.

I am humbled to be one of His Representatives, I am humbled that my beautiful sister gets this wonderful opportunity of a life-time. And can I just tell you? I AM HAPPY. This work is a great work. Our message is Perfect and simple. If you have questions, please ask the missionaries! :)